Taking It Back

The question in which always seems to be in existence is :Why exactly did the United States attack Iraq?" Many believe that the crucial factor was to help Israel, while many other opinions differ. According to many war critics the primary reasons for the war was to gain control of Iraqi control. However, President Bush whom was the leader of this situation made this happen for one main reason. President Bush who previously committed to Israel took action in order to invade one of Israels chief regional enemies. There are a various amount of short term and long term causes which led to this war. Operation Iraqi Freedom began March 20, 2003. There was an invasion of Iraq by a multinational force led by troops from the U.S. and the U.K. Before the war the governments of both U.S. and the U.K. felt that Iraq's alleged possessions of weapons of mass destruction (W.M.D.) was a threat to their security and of their allies. This led to an inspection of Iraq by the U.N.S.C. resolutions lead to the invasion. So with that information being given tag along to find out a bit  more information about the Operation Iraqi Freedom.